Q&A with Alchemy's Biggest Loser!

Q&A with Alchemy's Biggest Loser!

Apr 13, 2016

To be called a loser in most walks of life isn’t desirable but when it comes to being crowned Alchemy’s biggest loser in the weight loss stakes it’s another matter entirely. To find out just how the team at Alchemy helped a normal, real-life person just like you go from fitness zero to hero in just six, short months read on…

Owner & Master Trainer Rufus Bradshaw caught up with Phil after his training session early last week…

Q: Hi Phil, thanks for agreeing to share your story with us, I’ve got to say it does sound pretty incredible; your body transformation is inspirational and really impressive. I think what we’re all dying to know is, what prompted you to first contact Alchemy?

A: I knew that if I carried on the way I was, my long-term health wasn’t looking very optimistic. My weight was only going one way, and that was up. My clothes felt uncomfortable, I wasn’t eating well, and I wasn’t feeling great. I was feeling tired all the time and I was struggling to even muster up the enthusiasm and energy to play with my young daughter. I decided I owed it to myself and my family to make some changes.

Q: What made you decide to make those changes with Alchemy?

A: Finding a gym that “someone like me” felt comfortable in was the hardest part of my journey, they say the first step is the hardest step and I would totally agree with that! If you’d asked me six months ago, I think you’d have described me as gym sceptic at best, and I think I’d probably be more accurately described as a gym phobic! After all, they’re full of smug, obsessive types in Lycra – right? Anyway, I was not exactly approaching the idea with relish, but I’ve got to say from the first contact I had with Rufus and his team my misgivings really started to ease off.

Q: Ok, so far so good, so why, in your opinion is Alchemy different?

A: Well having checked out the options, having seen the inside of a fair few gyms during the search process, I realized that for me I needed to make the investment in my health using a personal trainer. What I was looking for was a company who didn’t just pay lip service to that idea but who really would put the ‘person’ into personal, and I think that’s where Alchemy wins hands down. I liked their no-nonsense approach, the welcome was warm, yet business like and I knew with their help I’d get the job done.

Q: Can you tell us what happened at your first session?

A: Yes, and I’ve got to be honest it was a bit daunting, I was weighed, measured and tested for any injuries or imbalances and postural glitches which might impede my progress. My blood pressure was checked and then we had a card on the table chat around goal setting and it was then that Alchemy explained that I could achieve everything and more provided I followed their instructions to the letter. I left; my head was spinning – but in a good way. I resisted the urge to buy Lycra!

Q: How often did you agree to train?

A: I had 3 sessions a week to start with and after a month or so, when the weight started to drop, I began to go for a short run once a week (laughter), even saying that is remarkable, I used to scoff at people who “went for runs”. Then, as the weight continued to come of, I increased the running to 2 times a week. I actually enjoy running now, which is a huge turning point for me, the only thing I ran before I teamed up with Alchemy was the bath!

Q: How long did it take before you saw any changes in your physique?

A: To say the result was instantaneous would be misleading but, I truly felt, as if overnight, I had taken control back of my life, my eating and ultimately my health. That for me was the first step. But if you mean how soon did the scales tip my way then that was within 2 weeks, by then I had managed to lose 7lbs, I was so chuffed and encouraged, I was on my way.

Q: People often start so well with any changes they make, a bit like New Year’s resolutions then it all starts to peter out as we get a big bored with the new regimen. How do did you keep motivated and stay focused?

A: That’s where Alchemy was indispensable, they kept me going when I was a bit disappointed when say I hadn’t quite lost as much as I’d hoped one week, they kept showing me the positives and kept my sessions fresh and interesting. They would always have solutions to any of the problems that I faced. Whether they were mental or physical Alchemy were always there to guide and advise. I never knew what was coming in my PT sessions, and that meant I really looked forward to going there. The other thing which I realize now was a major plus was their help with my food and nutrition, the changes I’ve made now I know will stay with me.

Q: What was your goal overall?

A: That was to lose 3 stones, When I got within 5 lbs of that we sat down and had a chat, A new goal was set, new routine implemented and off we went, I have now lost 4 stone in weight and its more about body fat now, I’d love to hit below 10% and to keep my energy levels and my enthusiasm for life.

Q: When did you achieve it?

A: It took 4 months to hit my weight loss target of 3 stone. The new goal was then set and after just six months, and 60 sessions later, I had lost four stones! Plus, my body fat is now 12% it was 34% when I started.

Q: So, you now have the body fat of an Olympic athlete? Wow! That’s simply amazing you must be so proud of yourself.

A: Well yes I am as it goes! But as proud as I am of my achievements, I will always feel a sense of gratitude towards Alchemy PT and the team.

Q: So Phil whets next?

A: I’m carrying on with the sessions, fitness is now in my DNA and the lifestyle changes I’ve made are here for good, thanks to team Alchemy, but I’m still drawing the line at lycra!

To be called a loser in most walks of life isn’t desirable but when it comes to being crowned Alchemy’s biggest loser in the weight loss stakes it’s another matter entirely. To find out just how the team at Alchemy helped a normal, real-life person just like you go from fitness zero to hero in just six, short months read on…

Owner & Master Trainer Rufus Bradshaw caught up with Phil after his training session early last week…

Q: Hi Phil, thanks for agreeing to share your story with us, I’ve got to say it does sound pretty incredible; your body transformation is inspirational and really impressive. I think what we’re all dying to know is, what prompted you to first contact Alchemy?

A: I knew that if I carried on the way I was, my long-term health wasn’t looking very optimistic. My weight was only going one way, and that was up. My clothes felt uncomfortable, I wasn’t eating well, and I wasn’t feeling great. I was feeling tired all the time and I was struggling to even muster up the enthusiasm and energy to play with my young daughter. I decided I owed it to myself and my family to make some changes.

Q: What made you decide to make those changes with Alchemy?

A: Finding a gym that “someone like me” felt comfortable in was the hardest part of my journey, they say the first step is the hardest step and I would totally agree with that! If you’d asked me six months ago, I think you’d have described me as gym sceptic at best, and I think I’d probably be more accurately described as a gym phobic! After all, they’re full of smug, obsessive types in Lycra – right? Anyway, I was not exactly approaching the idea with relish, but I’ve got to say from the first contact I had with Rufus and his team my misgivings really started to ease off.

Q: Ok, so far so good, so why, in your opinion is Alchemy different?

A: Well having checked out the options, having seen the inside of a fair few gyms during the search process, I realized that for me I needed to make the investment in my health using a personal trainer. What I was looking for was a company who didn’t just pay lip service to that idea but who really would put the ‘person’ into personal, and I think that’s where Alchemy wins hands down. I liked their no-nonsense approach, the welcome was warm, yet business like and I knew with their help I’d get the job done.

Q: Can you tell us what happened at your first session?

A: Yes, and I’ve got to be honest it was a bit daunting, I was weighed, measured and tested for any injuries or imbalances and postural glitches which might impede my progress. My blood pressure was checked and then we had a card on the table chat around goal setting and it was then that Alchemy explained that I could achieve everything and more provided I followed their instructions to the letter. I left; my head was spinning – but in a good way. I resisted the urge to buy Lycra!

Q: How often did you agree to train?

A: I had 3 sessions a week to start with and after a month or so, when the weight started to drop, I began to go for a short run once a week (laughter), even saying that is remarkable, I used to scoff at people who “went for runs”. Then, as the weight continued to come of, I increased the running to 2 times a week. I actually enjoy running now, which is a huge turning point for me, the only thing I ran before I teamed up with Alchemy was the bath!

Q: How long did it take before you saw any changes in your physique?

A: To say the result was instantaneous would be misleading but, I truly felt, as if overnight, I had taken control back of my life, my eating and ultimately my health. That for me was the first step. But if you mean how soon did the scales tip my way then that was within 2 weeks, by then I had managed to lose 7lbs, I was so chuffed and encouraged, I was on my way.

Q: People often start so well with any changes they make, a bit like New Year’s resolutions then it all starts to peter out as we get a big bored with the new regimen. How do did you keep motivated and stay focused?

A: That’s where Alchemy was indispensable, they kept me going when I was a bit disappointed when say I hadn’t quite lost as much as I’d hoped one week, they kept showing me the positives and kept my sessions fresh and interesting. They would always have solutions to any of the problems that I faced. Whether they were mental or physical Alchemy were always there to guide and advise. I never knew what was coming in my PT sessions, and that meant I really looked forward to going there. The other thing which I realize now was a major plus was their help with my food and nutrition, the changes I’ve made now I know will stay with me.

Q: What was your goal overall?

A: That was to lose 3 stones, When I got within 5 lbs of that we sat down and had a chat, A new goal was set, new routine implemented and off we went, I have now lost 4 stone in weight and its more about body fat now, I’d love to hit below 10% and to keep my energy levels and my enthusiasm for life.

Q: When did you achieve it?

A: It took 4 months to hit my weight loss target of 3 stone. The new goal was then set and after just six months, and 60 sessions later, I had lost four stones! Plus, my body fat is now 12% it was 34% when I started.

Q: So, you now have the body fat of an Olympic athlete? Wow! That’s simply amazing you must be so proud of yourself.

A: Well yes I am as it goes! But as proud as I am of my achievements, I will always feel a sense of gratitude towards Alchemy PT and the team.

Q: So Phil whets next?

A: I’m carrying on with the sessions, fitness is now in my DNA and the lifestyle changes I’ve made are here for good, thanks to team Alchemy, but I’m still drawing the line at lycra!

To be called a loser in most walks of life isn’t desirable but when it comes to being crowned Alchemy’s biggest loser in the weight loss stakes it’s another matter entirely. To find out just how the team at Alchemy helped a normal, real-life person just like you go from fitness zero to hero in just six, short months read on…

Owner & Master Trainer Rufus Bradshaw caught up with Phil after his training session early last week…

Q: Hi Phil, thanks for agreeing to share your story with us, I’ve got to say it does sound pretty incredible; your body transformation is inspirational and really impressive. I think what we’re all dying to know is, what prompted you to first contact Alchemy?

A: I knew that if I carried on the way I was, my long-term health wasn’t looking very optimistic. My weight was only going one way, and that was up. My clothes felt uncomfortable, I wasn’t eating well, and I wasn’t feeling great. I was feeling tired all the time and I was struggling to even muster up the enthusiasm and energy to play with my young daughter. I decided I owed it to myself and my family to make some changes.

Q: What made you decide to make those changes with Alchemy?

A: Finding a gym that “someone like me” felt comfortable in was the hardest part of my journey, they say the first step is the hardest step and I would totally agree with that! If you’d asked me six months ago, I think you’d have described me as gym sceptic at best, and I think I’d probably be more accurately described as a gym phobic! After all, they’re full of smug, obsessive types in Lycra – right? Anyway, I was not exactly approaching the idea with relish, but I’ve got to say from the first contact I had with Rufus and his team my misgivings really started to ease off.

Q: Ok, so far so good, so why, in your opinion is Alchemy different?

A: Well having checked out the options, having seen the inside of a fair few gyms during the search process, I realized that for me I needed to make the investment in my health using a personal trainer. What I was looking for was a company who didn’t just pay lip service to that idea but who really would put the ‘person’ into personal, and I think that’s where Alchemy wins hands down. I liked their no-nonsense approach, the welcome was warm, yet business like and I knew with their help I’d get the job done.

Q: Can you tell us what happened at your first session?

A: Yes, and I’ve got to be honest it was a bit daunting, I was weighed, measured and tested for any injuries or imbalances and postural glitches which might impede my progress. My blood pressure was checked and then we had a card on the table chat around goal setting and it was then that Alchemy explained that I could achieve everything and more provided I followed their instructions to the letter. I left; my head was spinning – but in a good way. I resisted the urge to buy Lycra!

Q: How often did you agree to train?

A: I had 3 sessions a week to start with and after a month or so, when the weight started to drop, I began to go for a short run once a week (laughter), even saying that is remarkable, I used to scoff at people who “went for runs”. Then, as the weight continued to come of, I increased the running to 2 times a week. I actually enjoy running now, which is a huge turning point for me, the only thing I ran before I teamed up with Alchemy was the bath!

Q: How long did it take before you saw any changes in your physique?

A: To say the result was instantaneous would be misleading but, I truly felt, as if overnight, I had taken control back of my life, my eating and ultimately my health. That for me was the first step. But if you mean how soon did the scales tip my way then that was within 2 weeks, by then I had managed to lose 7lbs, I was so chuffed and encouraged, I was on my way.

Q: People often start so well with any changes they make, a bit like New Year’s resolutions then it all starts to peter out as we get a big bored with the new regimen. How do did you keep motivated and stay focused?

A: That’s where Alchemy was indispensable, they kept me going when I was a bit disappointed when say I hadn’t quite lost as much as I’d hoped one week, they kept showing me the positives and kept my sessions fresh and interesting. They would always have solutions to any of the problems that I faced. Whether they were mental or physical Alchemy were always there to guide and advise. I never knew what was coming in my PT sessions, and that meant I really looked forward to going there. The other thing which I realize now was a major plus was their help with my food and nutrition, the changes I’ve made now I know will stay with me.

Q: What was your goal overall?

A: That was to lose 3 stones, When I got within 5 lbs of that we sat down and had a chat, A new goal was set, new routine implemented and off we went, I have now lost 4 stone in weight and its more about body fat now, I’d love to hit below 10% and to keep my energy levels and my enthusiasm for life.

Q: When did you achieve it?

A: It took 4 months to hit my weight loss target of 3 stone. The new goal was then set and after just six months, and 60 sessions later, I had lost four stones! Plus, my body fat is now 12% it was 34% when I started.

Q: So, you now have the body fat of an Olympic athlete? Wow! That’s simply amazing you must be so proud of yourself.

A: Well yes I am as it goes! But as proud as I am of my achievements, I will always feel a sense of gratitude towards Alchemy PT and the team.

Q: So Phil whets next?

A: I’m carrying on with the sessions, fitness is now in my DNA and the lifestyle changes I’ve made are here for good, thanks to team Alchemy, but I’m still drawing the line at lycra!

To be called a loser in most walks of life isn’t desirable but when it comes to being crowned Alchemy’s biggest loser in the weight loss stakes it’s another matter entirely. To find out just how the team at Alchemy helped a normal, real-life person just like you go from fitness zero to hero in just six, short months read on…

Owner & Master Trainer Rufus Bradshaw caught up with Phil after his training session early last week…

Q: Hi Phil, thanks for agreeing to share your story with us, I’ve got to say it does sound pretty incredible; your body transformation is inspirational and really impressive. I think what we’re all dying to know is, what prompted you to first contact Alchemy?

A: I knew that if I carried on the way I was, my long-term health wasn’t looking very optimistic. My weight was only going one way, and that was up. My clothes felt uncomfortable, I wasn’t eating well, and I wasn’t feeling great. I was feeling tired all the time and I was struggling to even muster up the enthusiasm and energy to play with my young daughter. I decided I owed it to myself and my family to make some changes.

Q: What made you decide to make those changes with Alchemy?

A: Finding a gym that “someone like me” felt comfortable in was the hardest part of my journey, they say the first step is the hardest step and I would totally agree with that! If you’d asked me six months ago, I think you’d have described me as gym sceptic at best, and I think I’d probably be more accurately described as a gym phobic! After all, they’re full of smug, obsessive types in Lycra – right? Anyway, I was not exactly approaching the idea with relish, but I’ve got to say from the first contact I had with Rufus and his team my misgivings really started to ease off.

Q: Ok, so far so good, so why, in your opinion is Alchemy different?

A: Well having checked out the options, having seen the inside of a fair few gyms during the search process, I realized that for me I needed to make the investment in my health using a personal trainer. What I was looking for was a company who didn’t just pay lip service to that idea but who really would put the ‘person’ into personal, and I think that’s where Alchemy wins hands down. I liked their no-nonsense approach, the welcome was warm, yet business like and I knew with their help I’d get the job done.

Q: Can you tell us what happened at your first session?

A: Yes, and I’ve got to be honest it was a bit daunting, I was weighed, measured and tested for any injuries or imbalances and postural glitches which might impede my progress. My blood pressure was checked and then we had a card on the table chat around goal setting and it was then that Alchemy explained that I could achieve everything and more provided I followed their instructions to the letter. I left; my head was spinning – but in a good way. I resisted the urge to buy Lycra!

Q: How often did you agree to train?

A: I had 3 sessions a week to start with and after a month or so, when the weight started to drop, I began to go for a short run once a week (laughter), even saying that is remarkable, I used to scoff at people who “went for runs”. Then, as the weight continued to come of, I increased the running to 2 times a week. I actually enjoy running now, which is a huge turning point for me, the only thing I ran before I teamed up with Alchemy was the bath!

Q: How long did it take before you saw any changes in your physique?

A: To say the result was instantaneous would be misleading but, I truly felt, as if overnight, I had taken control back of my life, my eating and ultimately my health. That for me was the first step. But if you mean how soon did the scales tip my way then that was within 2 weeks, by then I had managed to lose 7lbs, I was so chuffed and encouraged, I was on my way.

Q: People often start so well with any changes they make, a bit like New Year’s resolutions then it all starts to peter out as we get a big bored with the new regimen. How do did you keep motivated and stay focused?

A: That’s where Alchemy was indispensable, they kept me going when I was a bit disappointed when say I hadn’t quite lost as much as I’d hoped one week, they kept showing me the positives and kept my sessions fresh and interesting. They would always have solutions to any of the problems that I faced. Whether they were mental or physical Alchemy were always there to guide and advise. I never knew what was coming in my PT sessions, and that meant I really looked forward to going there. The other thing which I realize now was a major plus was their help with my food and nutrition, the changes I’ve made now I know will stay with me.

Q: What was your goal overall?

A: That was to lose 3 stones, When I got within 5 lbs of that we sat down and had a chat, A new goal was set, new routine implemented and off we went, I have now lost 4 stone in weight and its more about body fat now, I’d love to hit below 10% and to keep my energy levels and my enthusiasm for life.

Q: When did you achieve it?

A: It took 4 months to hit my weight loss target of 3 stone. The new goal was then set and after just six months, and 60 sessions later, I had lost four stones! Plus, my body fat is now 12% it was 34% when I started.

Q: So, you now have the body fat of an Olympic athlete? Wow! That’s simply amazing you must be so proud of yourself.

A: Well yes I am as it goes! But as proud as I am of my achievements, I will always feel a sense of gratitude towards Alchemy PT and the team.

Q: So Phil whets next?

A: I’m carrying on with the sessions, fitness is now in my DNA and the lifestyle changes I’ve made are here for good, thanks to team Alchemy, but I’m still drawing the line at lycra!

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Alchemy PT are UK’s number one personal trainers. Situated in central Wilmslow and Alderley Edge, Cheshire, we have over 2,000 square feet of space for our Personal Training Studio.

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Alchemy - © Copyright 2024

Website by ARENA

Alchemy Logo

Alchemy PT are UK’s number one personal trainers. Situated in central Wilmslow and Alderley Edge, Cheshire, we have over 2,000 square feet of space for our Personal Training Studio.

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Alchemy - © Copyright 2024

Website by ARENA

Alchemy Logo

Alchemy PT are UK’s number one personal trainers. Situated in central Wilmslow and Alderley Edge, Cheshire, we have over 2,000 square feet of space for our Personal Training Studio.

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Alchemy - © Copyright 2024

Website by ARENA

Alchemy Logo

Alchemy PT are UK’s number one personal trainers. Situated in central Wilmslow and Alderley Edge, Cheshire, we have over 2,000 square feet of space for our Personal Training Studio.

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Alchemy - © Copyright 2024

Website by ARENA